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Daily Archives: January 1, 2012


I wake in the morning to find the sun has been waiting for my resting eyes to open. It says “good morning” as I open the blinds. Just knowing it was peaking through the slats in anticipation of my day, makes me smile. My eyes close and I can feel it painting my face with the color I imagine would be called warm, my fingertips touching the glass to say thank you.  It warms my face with the start of a new day and a promise that anything is possible…….anything at all.
As I travel through the streets, it sometimes plays peak-a-boo with the buildings and trees….but it is never far away and I smile when I find it again. It bounces light off objects to project a prism of bright colors to enjoy. They move as the sun moves, and disappear only when told it is time to go. I feel the warmth penetrate my body as if, out of fear, I will not get a chance to feel warm again….and I sigh in relief knowing the later will not happen. If it disappears behind a vail of clouds, it is missed, and I find my eyes continually look toward the sky, awaiting its return.
As the day comes to an end, it slides to the west, each step bringing a beautiful array of orange, yellow and red. If a few clouds have filled the horizon, it is only because the sun wants to surprise and enlighten us with stronger colors that day.
I love you sun, thank you for brightening my day, my soul, and my heart with your warmth.