In the drop-down menu, each book can be selected separately allowing you to read what it is about and to, hopefully, order your copy.

Sara Series

My “Sara Series” introduced many characters (Sara is my protagonist)…along with her supernatural “gut feelings” – I hope you will enjoy them. This is the order:

Do I Know You 

Taking What is Mine 

Four of Spades 

Trapped in Darkness 


Stand-alone Books

Each stand-alone was created with something special to say. My biggest accomplishment in my mind is “Watching Over Her” – I hope you will enjoy. There is no particular order for these:

As if Yesterday 

Illegal Love 

Watching Over Her 


Thank you, in advance, for all your support.




  1. cathy chism | 17th Apr 14

    “Do I Know You” A real page turner; this is the real deal! Having grown up in Seattle and as well as travel the beautiful Oregon coast; loved the back drop. It’s been a long time since I have read such a great book. Loved how the puzzle pieces slowly came into place. Girl friends, you know what your getting for your birthday this year!!!!! I can hardly wait for another wonderful book from CJ Vermote!

  2. cathy chism | 22nd Jan 15

    Another GREAT book by CJ Vermote! Again for us who live in Washington State; what a wonderful back drop. When CJ Vermote wrote “Do I know You” I thought it can not get better than this. “Taking What is Mine” is another page turner! Wow! Loved and enjoyed each book! CJ Vermote certainly has become my favorite author! Soooooooooooooo looking forward to her next book!
    Cathy Chism

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